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Live The All 4 Adventure Dream

What is the All 4 Adventure Dream?

As you might already know, our range of CampBoss gear is tried and tested by Jase Andrews and the team at All 4 Adventure as they explore Australia's remotest locations during the filming of All 4 Adventure.

The television series, hosted by Jase Andrews and Simon Anderson, airs on channel 10 but can be accessed on demand from Unleashed TV. This year, they're running an EPIC prize giveaway that will be revealed in the first episode of the season: Carson to CREB which starts November 26th at 4pm on Channel 10!


How do I participate?

You can join the giveaway by creating an account and registering via the All 4 Adventure website.


How do I earn extra entries?

There's a few ways to earn extra entries in to the All 4 Adventure Dream giveaway, like weekly keywords, online purchases, etc. As part of the giveaway, you can earn 5 bonus entires each month by making a purchase through the CampBoss site. Once you've made a purchase, you will receive an email with the code and instructions on how to redeem your entry.

Please note: only one purchase per month will be eligible to receive 5 bonus entries.

You can read all about other ways to earn extra entries and stay up to date via their website - here.



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